International sitting volleyball

26 Jun 2024

Golden EuroLeague preview - GiocoParma

Golden EuroLeague preview - GiocoParma

​Cedacri GiocoParma VC Cesena – to give the club its full name – can’t wait to get started in the Golden EuroLeague in what is the team’s first European competition.

Team Manager and libero, Diletta Del Prete, says the aim now is to build on successful qualification achieved with their performances in the Silver EuroLeague in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

“We have been practising our sitting volleyball for many years, but this is our first European competition, she said. 

“We are very excited at the idea of participating in the golden phase as the adventure in BIH was stimulating and fun.”

Diletta feels the strength of the Parma team is the team, with no reliance on one or two key players. 

That said, they do have a well-known, star performer to call upon in the critical moments. 

She added: “We are a very united team... our strength is the group. We are very focused on the objective, which is to prove that we can get among the top three teams of the tournament. 

“Every element of the team is fundamental, and the team plays well when everyone gives their all. Undoubtedly, though, we can count on one of the best European players, Francesca Bosio, captain of the Italian national team.” 

Ash how much the team is looking forward to playing over in England and Diletta’s answer is simple... 

“There is only one answer to this question: We can’t wait!” she said. “It would be a wonderful gift for our company GiocoParma, which for almost 10 years has made every resource available to allow us to train and participate in competitions. 

“For me, it would also allow me to complete my competitive career fully satisfied by what I have achieved. 

“Aside from that it is essential that we use events such as these to promote what is still a little-known sport. 

“This is what our company has done in recent years to promote Sitting Volleyball and inclusion in the territory of Parma and the province, with thousands of people now involved.” 

Images: ParaVolley Europe

You can follow the action live when the tournament gets underway on Friday via the livestreams by clicking here.

You can also follow the event across Volleyball England’s social media on TwitterFacebookTikTok.